Mar 19, 2020

Client Webinar - Go Long!

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Every so often, the stock market presents a rare and significant scoring opportunity. 

Those who have played football, or maybe just passed any round object to someone, have likely used the statement “go long!” Whether it’s backyard football or Russell Wilson playing in the NFL, go long is typically shouted when the quarterback (the guy who throws the ball for non-sports people) sees a good opportunity to score and wants his receiver to make a sprint for the end zone. Going “long” in Wall Street jargon implies that the investor is purchasing an asset with the expectation that in the future, that asset will be worth more than it is currently. Find out why your CWM team believes it is now time to go long!

This webinar is available to current CWM clients only. Registration closes at 12:50pm (PST) on Thursday, March 29th.

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Go Long!
Thursday, March 19, 2020 @ 1:00pm - 1:45pm
Zoom Webinar
Reserve Your Seat