CWM Client Spotlight: Teresa DesJardien

Meet Teresa DesJardien: The Novelist
As a writer of Regency-era romance novels, our client Teresa DesJardien has been fortunate to spend years in the English period beautifully articulated by Jane Austen - and most recently engulfed in the passion and society drama of streaming series Bridgerton.
But according to DesJardien, who has written 15 novels, six short stories and a newly published non-fiction reference book set in the world of palaces, top hats, and stolen glances, the real draw of crafting fictional romances has more to do with universal human nature than finery.
Read on to learn more about what makes DesJardien a pantser vs. a plotter when it comes to story development, her current mission to revise and republish her fiction work, and what she has learned from the resilience of her own leading man - her husband of 40 years.
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